Professional AdvicesProtectionPartners with cybersecurity team
Take back control over your information systems. Strengthen the security of your IT tools. Trust our specialists to protect your tools, your data, your employees
More than ever, every IT infrastructure are potential targets.
However your need in cybersecurity, we can help you. Reactivity, efficiency, discretion are our engines.
Let us support you in your cybersecurity projects. Don’t stay alone against threats.
You want to know if your infrastructure is reliable, if you do not risk anything? Our offensive team will help you spot any problems
You need help to correct flaws, to improve your security : we can step in to build a strong protection. Our defensive team will help you into that
Network is the gateway of your infrastructure. Don't let bad people enter into your place
"Data is the new water". What can happen if your databases are compromised ?
If you live du to your website, every minute that it is inaccessible will make you lose money
We can help to detect flaws in the source code of your project to avoid future incidents
The users who give you their data trust you. Imagine if they were to fall into the wrong hands
Not a lot of companies have skills to secure blockchain/cryptocurrency project. We can do it.
Our team is constitued by multi IT domain skills. We have network experts, systems experts, developers, security standards specialists…
How we can proceed :
You want a training in cybersecurity ? Network, Systems, Cloud, offensive, defensive, prepararation to certification… Our teams can give courses to your employees if you are a company, or to your students if you are a school.
Follow the publishing created by our experts : learning, news and informational content.
Stay tuned about technological evolutions in the cybersecurity industry, recent flaws and disclosures, and the growth of Pegasy’s team.
We are always open for new opportunities and collaborations. If you want more information, don’t hesitate to reach us with the form. We will answer you as soon as possible.
bul. "Vitosha" 1,
1000 Sofia Center, Sofia
66 Avenue des Champs-Elysées, 75008 Paris
(+33)6 49 76 99 53
(+359)888 80 5024